Greenplay strategy for sports clubs
Our Greenplay strategy promotes a sustainable sporting future through innovative approaches. Make your sports club sustainable and circular!
Become part of the Sport Hub Bonn and put your club on the path to greater sustainability. By registering as a club, you create the basis for:
- Collect used sports equipment: Activate a collection point in your club and help to ensure that items that are no longer needed are reused or recycled sensibly in the recycling system.
- Conserve resources: Support the reuse and recycling of sports equipment and help prevent waste.
- Make sustainability visible: Show your members and the community that your club is taking responsibility and working towards a greener future.

This is how it works:
- Register your club using our online form.
- Receive support and materials to set up a collection centre in your club.
- Become part of a growing network of sustainable sports clubs in Bonn.
Together we make sport more sustainable – register now and play an active role in shaping it
Greenplay strategy for sports clubs
Our Greenplay strategy promotes a sustainable sporting future through innovative approaches. Make your sports club sustainable and circular!
Become part of the Sport Hub Bonn and put your club on the path to greater sustainability. By registering as a club, you create the basis for:
Become part of the Sport Hub Bonn and put your club on the path to greater sustainability. By registering as a club, you create the basis for:

- Collect used sports equipment: Activate a collection point in your club and help to ensure that items that are no longer needed are reused or recycled in a sensible way.
- Conserve resources: Support the reuse and recycling of sporting goods and help to avoid waste.
- Make sustainability visible: Show your members and the community that your organisation is taking responsibility and working towards a greener future.
This is how it works:
- Register your club via our online form.
- Get support and materials to set up a collection centre in your club.
- Become part of a growing network of sustainable sports clubs in Bonn.
Together we make sport more sustainable – register now and play an active role in shaping it
Greenplay Strategy

Vision and objectives
Our strategy combines sport with sustainability for sustainable development. We are creating a sustainable sports network with ecological and social responsibility.

Circular economy in sport
We focus on recyclable sports products and efficient use of resources. Used sporting goods are systematically collected and recycled.

Workshops and events
Swap events where members can swap used but well-preserved sportswear or equipment. This saves resources and promotes the community.

Long-term vision
Our goal: Sustainable sport throughout the EU. Actively contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the area of sustainable consumption.

Innovative Lösungen
Grüne Technologien: Einsatz von nachhaltigen Sportgeräten oder energieeffizienten Technologien in den Hubs. Smart Design: Intelligente Planung der Sportanlagen, die Umweltschutz und Funktionalität vereinen.

Workshops und Events
Wissen teilen: Veranstaltungen zu Themen wie nachhaltige Vereinsführung, Upcycling von Sportartikeln oder Zero-Waste-Sport. Community-Events: Aktionen, bei denen Mitglieder mithelfen können, wie z. B. Cleanup-Days oder Sammelaktionen.

Einfacher Einstieg: Wie Vereine oder Einzelpersonen Teil der Green Play-Strategie werden können. Partnerschaften: Möglichkeit, eigene Ideen oder Projekte einzubringen und gemeinsam umzusetzen.

Langfristige Vision
Zukunftsperspektive: Ihr Ziel, den gesamten Sport in Bonn nachhaltiger zu machen. Verbindung mit globalen Nachhaltigkeitszielen: Beitrag zur UN-Agenda 2030 (z. B. Ziel 12: Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster).